Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Newest Blocks

They came out a bit more "fallish" than I had originally intended, but overall I think they are awesome!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Moving on

So I had mentioned early on in this blog that this business of mine was a partnership between myself and a longtime friend. Yesterday we decided to part ways "professionally". Sounds much harsher than it actually was/is! Ha!
Stay tuned for info on my new shop as I venture out into this world alone! How exciting!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh Me Oh My

I made a tutu dress for the girl yesterday. Her 3rd birthday is in a couple weeks and I knew she would love it. I set to work with my 50 yards of tulle only to discover it wasn't nearly enough. She insisted on putting it on, hilarious, half of her covered, the other not so much! It reminded me of those masks that are part woman part man! Ha ha! She is hollering and begging me to finish it NOW! So we set off to Michaels where many more spools of tulle are purchased (I knew I would want to make another once hers was complete). We come home and after the afternoon rigmarole I sit down to finish the dress. I am so excited to give it to her. She wakes up from her nap, sees it, loves it, puts it on and promptly begins screaming that she can't see her feet and wants to wear it as a SKIRT. Ungrateful we take it off and I list it on Etsy. Now I get to make the princess (as she refers to herself) a tutu because "THAT is what she WANTS". Whatev, Ruby. I just love it and wish I had a more cooperative daughter to wear it. (Not to say my Lu isn't, but this dress would swallow that tiny peanut whole!)

I got the first two pics after asking her to tell me about Grampa pretending to be the Cookie Monster yesterday:

But THIS reflects how she REALLY feels about Mama's gift

Ain't she a sweetie? :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Manic Sunday

I've been away. Not really away like on an honest to goodness vacation but away from this blog thing. Trying to get ready for our upcoming craft shows of which there are 9 and counting. In addition to trying to sell the house and buy a new was a busy day with a last minute showing. Getting a house tip top is not easy with two little girls running around pulling out everything as soon as I've tucked it away.
My day of rest included driving around to scope out new potential habitation locations, hitting the grocery store, apple picking (which was fun of course!), hay ride, and dinner (which consisted of butternut squash lasagna and apple crisp for dessert, yum), insane amount of dirty dishes washed after that much cooking/baking, bathed the girls, story, bed. I now feel like I could fall over from exhaustion and will be retiring as soon as I hit "publish". Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

...and yes, Ruby is wearing a tutu. She wears it everywhere including to bed. Isn't there a saying about picking your battles? I choose to let her win this one daily.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Craft Show Millionaire

Yesterday we particpated in the St John's Bazaar in Townsend, MA which ended up being a bit of a bust. The way that the bazaar was set up the crafters (of which there were only FIVE! WTH?) ended up waaaayyy in the back and got very little traffic. The comment "I didn't even know there were crafters here" was made more than once. A discouraging way to start the season but we are booked pretty solid through the holidays and they can't all be that poorly planned!!
A few photos from the day~

Friday, September 11, 2009


The sewing is done for tomorrow, well it's never actually DONE, but I feel prepared for the show now! Today will be filled with taking inventory, picking up the tent and tables and pricing items. Busy mama! I am excited for this season to get underway! Feels like Christmas!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Busy Bee

I have been busily sewing getting ready for our first craft show of this season! This Saturday Sew Yummy will be at the St John's Bazaar in Townsend, MA. Can't wait! I will try to remember to take and post pics!! In the meantime, I will be away from this for a bit....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Keep on Rockin'

Ru is sporting a new Mix Tape Barrette I made this morning. I freakin' love it but can't tell yet if it is something I will try to sell. I made one big mix tape for a bodysuit or t-shirt but my lazy ass has yet to go to the store and pick up said items to applique away....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


...and while I am here, in happier news, these two lovelies sold the other day.

Felt Popsicle

Felt Breakfast Set

Lick your plates

Just venting momentarily about the fact that we just had the plumber out here and had to replace our garbage disposal. $541 later and we're advised to put only down the disposal what we can't scrape off into the trash.....what is the point??