Chicken update: All but one of the seven barred rock chickens were massacred in July by a possum. I got a call from my friend that morning and she was in tears saying they had mostly been decapitated and that their breasts were ripped from their bodies. Terrible! There was only one who was sitting on the bodies of the dead and crying. The poor traumatized girl. SO needless to say, our chicken dreams are again on hold. Can't say that I mind now that we are getting into fall and I was worried about the little buggers freezing to death outside in the winter...yes, I know it won't actually happen. We're going to make some changes to the coop that is now sitting in our yard and re-look at this chicken dream in the spring. Til then, it's store bought eggs for this family. Cluck it!
Oh and PS, after the chicken massacre of 2011, my gal pal set out a have a heart trap and caught not one but two possums. She also researched chicken predators and felt it was safe to assume they were the culprits. They've since be relocated to go kill elsewhere. Ha.
Happy Fall, y'all!