Wow, it's been an incredibly long time since I last blogged about my little life. Our newest member arrived on June 10 at 1:00am weighing in at 8lbs on the nose. We named her Violet Mae and she has been such a joy! Sounds cliche but man is it the truth! "V" as we call her was a VBAC (I won't go into detail as this isn't that kind of blog) but it was a truly amazing experience and I was fortunate to have a doula by my side with this delivery. Something I will never forget and a gift i am truly grateful for. In fact, I hope to begin my own doula training this spring.
We're settling into this house in the country we bought almost a year ago! Why does time move so swiftly now that I have children and live a grown up life? We've made a lot of changes both inside and out and have more to make. But of course what actually gets done is all up to Old Man Moolah and we're not seeing as much of him lately.
My husband starts back to work next Monday. Though, I have to say this summer vacation was not one of my favorites and I really think it has to do with the fact that we now have a big yard and I am married to a man who loves to play in it.
My oldest is starting preschool this fall which is totally bittersweet. The other day i cried a little and she looked at me and said, "Are you crying cuz I am getting so big?" Yes, I am. I wish you could stay little forever...
Anyway, I am trying to get my Etsy shop back up and running. I had put it in vacation mode when I was preparing to have V and now I feel ready for projects again.
Crazy that this summer is almost over, seems like it just started...ha ha, here I go again with time and it's not standing still...
Hope you all had a great summer and are looking forward to autumn for each of your own reasons!
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